a gothic literary magazine
phantasmal (adj); of or relating to a figment of the imagination such as a ghost, specter, or delusive experience.
phantasmal is a literary magazine born out of my obsession with the gothic. as a southerner who grew up in a rural area, spectres of the gothic were all around in the cognitive dissonance of plantation weddings, the lack of support and social programs for the economically disadvantaged, and the worldviews of the religiously minded, who saw the world as populated with unseen battles with demons, spirits, and the like. i believe that humanity is drawn to the gothic and to horror because it allows us to explore, in a safe setting, those things that otherwise would be too terrifying to engage with. we take back control over the unknown through gothicism and horror, and, therefore, it serves a genuine function in society. our experience of horror becomes a liminal space for us to imagine and enact our biggest fears, all the while knowing we're totally safe.
so what makes phantasmal special? coming from the world of theatre and new play development, i aim to create a literary magazine where artists feel the freedom to create art for the sake of creation rather than for the goal of generating "product." in that spirit, the ethos of phantasmal is that every piece, whether short story, scene, full length play, monologue, poem, or visual art, will be published based solely on an original pitch rather than evaluated based on a final product. artists are free to pitch their ideas and, once selected, will have the opportunity to create a work of art based on their pitch that will be, without question, included in the magazine. to further the dialogue between artist and audience and bolster creative experimentation, published artists will be offered the opportunity to include in the magazine a QR code that links to a structured feedback form adapted to the needs of the specific piece as a way to hear from readers and viewers of the magazine.
in sum, phantasmal is spooky, process-oriented, and conversational.